Meet our teacher - Shimura-sensei! One of the main characters of CLAY's social media. He is very kind and positive but doesn't talk much about himself, so I think we will learn a lot about his personality from his favorite things in Japanese culture from this Friend Questionnaire.

Shimura-sensei 志村 先生 志村 博俊 シムラ ヒロトシ
Here is the original 友達アンケート (Tomodachi Anketo).
Favorite food 好きな日本料理

Okonomiyaki is a savory Japanese pancake made with flour, eggs, shredded cabbage, and various toppings such as meat, seafood, and sauces. It’s a popular street food.
Favorite festival (any recommendations?) 大好きな祭り(おすすめの祭りは?)

A famous fireworks festival held in Ichikawa Daimon Town, known for its spectacular display of colorful fireworks in the night sky.
Favorite Dorama (Made in Japan) 大好きなドラマ(日本製)
"Sora Wataru Kyoushitsu" is a fictional Japanese TV drama. It is an alternative high school in Shinjuku, Tokyo, where students from various backgrounds attend the school. The students include 21-year-old Gakuto Yanagida, 43-year-old Angela Koshikawa, 16-year-old Kasumi Natori, and 76-year-old Shozo Nagamine. One day, a mysterious science teacher named Kanae Fujitake is assigned to teach at the school. With the guidance of Kanae Fujitake, his science club students attempt an unprecedented experiment to recreate a "Mars crater" for an academic conference presentation. They face many obstacles.
Favorite anime 大好きなアニメ
"Slam Dunk" is a famous sports anime about basketball. The story follows Hanamichi Sakuragi, who falls in love with a girl named Haruko Akagi, and decides to enter the Shohoku High School Basketball Team in order to attract her, as she is already in love with another Shohoku player, Kaede Rukawa. As Sakuragi starts learning how to play basketball, he begins to take a liking to the sport.
Favorite Songs 大好きな歌
落陽(らくよう)/ 大空と大地の中で
Check out our Sensei Jam playlist on Spotify.
Favorite novel 大好きな小説
草原の椅子(そうげんのいす) by みやもとてる
"Chair in the Meadow" by Teru Miyamoto is a thought-provoking novel about life and self-discovery.
Favorite and famous place in Japan 日本で大好きな有名な所
仁和寺 (Ninna-ji): A UNESCO World Heritage temple in Kyoto, famous for its historical significance and cherry blossoms.
天龍寺 (Tenryu-ji): A Zen temple in Kyoto with a stunning garden and scenic views.
What anime/dramas/novels do you recommend for students? 学生におすすめの アニメ・ドラマ・小説は?

"Ryoma Goes On" is a historical novel by the Japanese writer 司馬遼太郎 (Shiba Ryōtarō), one of the most famous works about the Meiji Restoration period. The book tells the story of Sakamoto Ryōma (坂本龍馬, Sakamoto Ryōma), a real historical figure who played an important role in the modernization of Japan.
Who should read it?
Fans of historical novels.
Those interested in Japanese history, in particular the Meiji Restoration.
Students who study Japanese culture or want to understand the ideas of change and reform in Japan.
What do you recommend for students to study Japanese? 学生におすすめの 日本語の勉強方法は?
Speak using Japanese.
Places you definitely want people to visit when they are in Japan? 日本にいる時、絶対行ってほしい所は?
きょうとの おてら
Kyoto's temples
What are some places you definitely want me to visit in Yamanashi? 山梨にいる時、絶対行ってほしい所は?
Fujikawa Craft Park is a recreational area in Yamanashi, offering craft workshops and beautiful natural surroundings.
Things you liked to do as a child (e.g., hobbies and games)
合気道 / 弓道
(あいきどう)/ (きゅうどう)
合気道 (Aikido): A traditional Japanese martial art focusing on self-defense and harmony.
弓道 (Kyudo): Japanese archery, emphasizing precision, discipline, and spiritual focus.
What do you like best about Japanese culture? 日本文化で一番好きなところは?
利他 (りた, Rita) is one of the most important elements of Japanese culture and moral principles. It can be translated as “altruism” or “sacrifice for others.” The concept is based on acting in the interests of other people without expecting personal gain.
A word to students! 学生たちに一言!
なにごとも いっしょうけんめいに がんばれば、みちは かならず ひらける。
If you give your best effort in everything, the path will surely open.
Thank you, Shimura-sensei, for sharing your interests, advice and favorite moments of Japanese culture!
Lets enjoy his big part in school life: