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Student support

Student counseling

At our Culture and Language Academy,  we offer support in the students' native language with the help of an interpreter twice a week so that students can express their worries or complaints and receive quality help or support from our academy.

Counseling hours


Wednesday and Friday from 10:00 to 14:00


Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 to 14:00

Guidance counseling

At our Culture and Language Academy,  guidance counseling is offered to support all students - whether they are interested in continuing to higher education or seeking employment. Counselors are available for 30-minute consultations, the sessions are free, and students may meet with counselors as many times as necessary. Please reserve a time slot in advance at the reception. Please arrive at your appointment on time.

Counseling hours

 Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 16:30

Many students visit for consultations with questions and concerns such as:

  • With my abilities, what kind of school can I go to (graduate school, technical school)?

  • What kind of score do I need to get on the EJU in order to attend _______?

  • I think I want to study ____________. In Japan, what department would I have to study in? Any school recommendations?

  • How much is the tuition for _______? Do they offer scholarships?*What exams do I need to take to get into ___________?

  • I’d like to see copies of past exams. Can you tell me about past interview contents?

  • What’s the difference between the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) and the Japanese Language Proficiency Exam (JLPT)?

  • When are the tests administered? When are the application deadlines?

  • Are there universities I can go to without passing the EJU?

  • Are there technical schools I can go to without taking the JLPT?

  • I have trouble with English. Are there universities without English exams?

  • How should I prepare for the EJU?

  • What should I do if I want to practice for an interview?

  • Can you teach me how to write a research proposal for graduate school? How do I contact professors?

  • Can I get a letter of recommendation from SNG?

Available information

  • Guidance counselors readily provide the following info:

  • School brochures and details about international student exams. etc.

  • Entrance exam requirements, schedules, and contents, application information, tuition details, campus locations, etc.

  • The EJU subjects and scores required by different schools.

  • JLPT levels and scores, TOEFL scores, etc. required by different schools.

  • Past exam contents and interview topics.

  • Information from SNG graduates who continued on to higher education.

  • Instructions for writing a graduate school research proposal.

Recommendation letters

Culture and Language Academy of Yamanashi provides general or school-targeted letters of recommendation for excellent students, provided they meet the following requirements.

Enrollment period

6 months or longer

Current/Final Term Attendance Rate

90% or above

Total Attendance Rate

90% or above

It takes one week to issue a letter of recommendation. It also takes one week to issue Shinjuku Japanese Language Institute transcripts and attendance records (cost: ¥ 500 ~ ¥ 2,000 per page).

Contact us for further information

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